February 11, 2022

Letter from RAI President

Good afternoon, neighbors.

I’m honored to have been elected this morning by the RAI Board of Directors to serve as president for the next twelve months. I’ve been a director for five years – yes, this will be my last year!! I’ve served on the finance, by-laws, and rules & regulations committees and have chaired the long-range planning and personnel committees, so I am familiar with the full range of our responsibilities, the thinking which has gone into our decisions, the challenges we face, and the improvements we’ve made. I assure you I will live up to the Code of Conduct which your board adopted last fall and which all directors have signed.

I have authored Reefnotes for the last three years. I don’t want to write a full profile about me, but let me say that my husband, Lon, and I live here six or seven months a year and live in Wisconsin the rest of the year. This is our sixth winter since I retired from my job as a technical college administrator. Prior to that, we vacationed here. We bought Unit 436 at The Reef fifteen years ago. Our daughter lived on St. Croix for five years and was a teacher at what was then Country Day. She met her husband here, where he was a reporter for the Virgin Islands Daily News. They now live in Denver and have two little boys. My husband is the windsurfer out on Teague Bay with the sail that says “2 old 4 dis.” He plays chess every Saturday with the club at Ziggy’s, plays guitar and sings with Feelin’ Good (a band comprised of Reef owners) at The Reef Pavilion about once a month, and plays and sings regularly at Flambouyant Gardens, a senior residential facility mid-island. I participate in three book clubs on St. Croix (and one via Zoom from Wisconsin), meet weekly with the Writers’ Circle of St. Croix, am a member of Lord God of Sabaoth Lutheran Church in downtown Christiansted, and walk with a group a couple times a week (not often enough!) from Cramer Park to Point Udall.

As always, non-director owners are invited to participate in standing committees. The list of committees is attached. The RAI Board will be determining committee membership at our next meeting, February 17, so please indicate your interest to me or to another officer in the next couple of days. In order to balance committee membership, we consider qualifications and whether the individual lives at The Reef full-time or part-time, keeping the number of members at a reasonable number so that the committee can operate efficiently. There are, from time to time, opportunities to serve on ad hoc committees, so if you have a special interest or expertise, please let us know that, too.

Feel free to email, call or text me – note that Lon’s number is just one digit different from mine, so please be sure you’re contacting me and not my husband! I’m looking forward to working with all of you.

[email protected]

Office Hours

Mon - Thur
8:00 - 5:00
8:00 - 4:30


After hours security
5000 Teagues Bay, Christiansted, VI 00820
©2025 Reef Condos, US Virgin Islands
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